About Us
EXTREME is where FITNESS comes naturally
At Extreme Fitness, we aim to provide you the best fitness experience ever!
Extreme Fitness Center opened in 2005 under professional administration and coaches, from that time we’re trying to give the best experience ever to the customers and make them so comfortable on what they have chosen.
We’re providing 3 different sections; Ladies section, Gents section and Kids section (with kids area section too)
Big Space
In total 650m² mix of styles and colors.
All Activities
A mix of many activities for all types; ladies, gents and kids
Professional Trainers
Coaches who are motivated to teach you with love and passion

these are the best offers we have in the current time, you should take it as soon as you see them before it ends
It takes only 2 minutes to join!
Meet EXTREME's team.
It’s not easy to be one of our team because we highly recommend to be expert in what you do, professional and you know how to deal with different ages

abdo Nema
Karate & Swimming Coach

Amna Al Eyari
GYM & Aerobics Coach

Farouk Al Jenidi
GYM & Boxing Coach